Roving User
NetVizor has the powerful capabilities of not only allowing you
to monitor individual workstations, but also to monitor individual
USERS on your network. This is ideal if you have users that rove
around from one PC to another, where they login under the same username
at each PC. To enable user monitoring for centralized viewing, you
will have to specify a shared network folder in the 'log storage
location' settings in the NetVizor client ('Activity Logging Configuration' -> Configure Log
Storage Location)
Once you specify a shared
network folder, check the "Categorize by Username" option. Now,
all logs will be stored on this shared network folder in the format
of "Username on ComputerName". You must then configure the NetVizor
viewer to use this same shared folder in its 'network log storage'
settings. Once you do this, click "Refresh"
in the NetVizor viewer and all the roving users will be shown in
the Resource list in NetVizor's viewer.
We recommend using a log
folder named 'logs$' for NetVizor's log storage - ie: \\your-server\logs$
The "$" in the folder name sets the folder as a hidden
network folder - so other users will not be able to see this folder
on the network. This folder must have full read/write access by
all users.
To access NetVizor while it is running, press CONTROL+ALT+SHIFT+M
on your keyboard, enter in your password ('spytech' is the default).
After configuring the shared folder you will be prompted to restart
NetVizor - the NetVizor module is located at x:\program files\nvclient\sysdiag.exe
- 'x' being your disk name.