Configuring Realtime-Spy

Setting up your Realtime-Spy logging app that you will send out to other Macs you own to start monitoring is an easy process. Follow these steps and you should have no problems!

1. Login to your member's account and click on the "Create and download a logging app" button.

2. Configure your Realtime-Spy logging app, selecting the logging settings you wish to use.

3. Choose your Remote Install option: to use a splash screen or not. If you choose to use a splash screen the user will be notified that Realtime-Spy is running every time the Mac is started, and when they initially run the logging app you send to them.

4 . Click "Create App"

5. You will be given a download link to download your logging app from. Download the logging app to your computer.

6. Send this app file to other Macs you own, or run it on your Mac physically to start recording activities! All activities are recorded to your personal webspace you received after purchasing. (your webspace is located at )

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